Amanda & Matt's Shotgun styled house
Paula drinking mega Daquiri
Paula & Kathy
Paula eating Beignets in the French Quarter
French quarter
French quarter
Great wrought iron
Lafayette Cemetary
More great wrought iron in the Garden District
Garden District
Jim's ideal studio (actually the carriage house of a much larger house)
House that writer Ann Rice lives in.
Porpoise styled drain pipe
These flowers are made completely out of chocolate from Italy.
Paula on Live Oak
Crawfish Boil at Kathy & Matt's
Kathy and Paula at great restaurant downtown
Artgirl Paula hanging out at UNO campus
Matt, Kathy and Paula at St. Patricks Day Parade
Ladders and Chairs for kids to watch parade.
Trolley ride down St. Charles Avenue
On board the Nanchez Paddlewheel on the big Muddy
Kathy, Amanda and Paula