Sunday, June 19, 2011


Kodiak, Alaska
Port Vita, on Raspberry Island
The Bunkhouse at Port Vita
Mid tide
Low tide
Morning commute
From left to right: Kevin, Matt, Jim, Shane (guide) and Trey with first halibut of the trip.
Kevin painting his fingernail for catching the first fish of the trip.

Matt with nice halibut.
Rafting to shore to fish for salmon.
Matt on deck.
Matt with Cod.
Trey kicking back.
Daily catch of keepers.
View from shore.
Kevin with Octopus
Jim, Kevin and Trey
Kevin in the Shelikof strait with Alaska mainland in background.
Jim with king cod.
Kevin noshing on Jim's cod.
View from camp.
Matt with pig.
Matt's halibut is under the raincoat.
Counting fish.
Jim with Black Rockfish.
Kevin with Mackerel.
Fish box.
Matt the younger with fognac island in background.
Sea Lions.

Low tide.
Amanda and Matt from New Orleans.
Final day's catch
Kevin, Jim, Trey, Matt and Matt.
Final night.
Final morning walk on beach.
Kevin kayaking.
Eight coolers of fish ready to go.

Red Tide (bacteria growth that is accumulated in oysters and other shell fish, capable of killing a person in 48 hours if eaten.)